Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Selective Vision

Big to-do in the blogosphere over what mlq3 calls "The Battle of the Epistles". Lively discussion also going on in the comments thread of Ricky Carandang's site. Posters have pretty much covered the issues, both pro and con. The only thing I want to add is this:

Everytime someone decides to forward a particular email for or against the administration, that person tacitly endorses it. That person, in effect, votes for it. How and when this tacit vote acquires a lesser value than, say, hanging around a Starbucks wearing black and sipping lattes (snicker), I do not know. But that's basically what Enteng Romano implies at the end of his very own epistle. So what if we registered our approval or disapproval electronically by forwarding an email? For that matter, so what if we showed our displeasure with these people by not getting off our asses on Feb. 25, or by not getting orange mocha frappucinos last Friday? By exercising our right to remain silent? Who is Enteng to judge the worthiness of our means of expression? Lest he forget, mockery works both ways :)

Having said that, I think the opposition deserves kudos for their new tack. Say what you will about their Starbucks gimmicks, but at least they're no longer causing traffic jams or scaring away investments. Now, if only something can replace their coup-mongering, we might even have here the beginnings of a loyal opposition.

Thanks to mlq3 for mentioning this blog. This guy really does check his referrers list. Amazing. Unfortunately, I still have to keep him in The Freezer. My apologies, mlq3, if you're reading this, but it's a matter of principle. I'm pretty sure, though, that you'll take it more as a mark of distinction. In which case, you're welcome.