Saturday, April 08, 2006


It's pathetic and rather sad how the oppo is trying to make the most mileage out of the critical NYT editorial that came out last Wednesday. For one thing, does it matter what the Times thinks? Last I checked, the Republicans are still in power, and the likelihood that the current US administration will give a flying f**k what some liberal East Coast journalist-types write about is roughly the same as the chance that Arroyo would take her cue from Cacho-Olivares' Daily Tribune. Needless to say, what goes for the NYT does not necessarily go for the US government. Far from it; for what it's worth, it's more likely to do the opposite of whatever the Times suggests.

Having said that, it's also pathetic and rather sad how the palace people went all into crisis mode (ok, semi-crisis mode) when the editorial came out, when it would have been much more dignified to just ignore it. At most, they could've released a statement acknowledging it as opinion from a private entity (which it is), that relations with the US remained strong and friendly (which they are, for those who take their cue from Uncle Sam), and that democracy, for better or worse, is hardly in any danger (PDI is still around, right?). But no, they got their panties all bunched up about a non-event, and sent Romulo and company demanding satisfaction from the Times, among other things. Très uncool.

Enjoy the holidays.